Thursday, March 8, 2007

Call Backs

Yesterday, we were having a really busy day. I had taken Petra to physical therapy, and we went home for a quick lunch before I had to take Talia to the doctor (she had a little cold which I thought was just a little cold, but Petra had suspected pneumonia and Dusty had bronchitis, so I wanted to make sure it really wasn't anything serious [it wasn't]). We were racing to get there on time, with a million other things to do afterwards, when I finally got the call from the theatre (well, 4 days can seem like an eternity!). She wanted me to come back for call backs at 5:45 that night! This was really exciting on the one hand, but really scary on the other hand. A big part of me was hoping that they wouldn't do call back's--I would know yea or nay after only one audition and not have to go through that again. Also, it seemed like all the time, I would ALMOST make it, but not quite. It almost seems worse that way. It was a big part of why I decided to give up on theatre in the first place.

Anyway, once again, I was so nervous that I wanted to throw up. And I just seemed to find so many good excuses not to go through with it. Dusty wouldn't let me, though. I turned the girls over to him after fencing and ran home to change before I went to the theatre (see previous entry for the reasoning). I hadn't even thought about my song since the previous Saturday, so I grabbed the CD to practice in the car again. At first it sounded awful again, but I prayed and went through it a couple more times, and I thought it was okay.

The audition itself was more fun this time. I only had to sing a little, then I read lines with a couple of other women who were a lot of fun. The upshot of it is that I think the three of us are being considered for either Cinderella's Stepmother, Jack's Mother, or the Baker's Wife. Just not the Stepmother, please! I have enough of that in real life!!

(If you want to know my bet, I think that if I get one of those, it will be Jack's Mother, since I'm a soprano, and the other two were altos and that part is definitely the highest. I want the Baker's Wife the most, though).

So, more wait and see. Again. If I thought 4 days was an eternity....!!! Every time the phone rings, my heart rate jumps!!!


Crista said...

It is such fun for me to hear what you are thinking about, and how you're feeling. I had no idea you felt this way about auditioning. I thought it was just me. I've been thinking all day that I will NEVER try out for the symphony again, after failing two years in a row, but maybe that's the wrong attitude. I'm proud of you for trying out, despite your fears, and amazed that Dusty would encourage you, since he's the one who will be stuck at home every night while you're rehearsing. Go Leah! said...

I tried to play piano in Sunday school a few weeks ago. I got so nervous I gave up after the first measure! Much less big a deal than auditioning for a play too, that's for sure.

Way to go auditioning, Leah! That takes guts. We'll be rooting for you.