Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I found this news article last night by chance. How completely horrifying. I just can't imagine a world where a man would bludgeon his wife and stepson to death with a hammer because she went to church. It makes me sick. You know, I watch crime dramas, and they don't really bother me because they seem so far from reality. Sometimes I wonder how writers can come up with all of that stuff--even to think of something so horrible! But maybe I'm wrong. Apparently. That stuff almost seems tame to some of the stuff you see in the news today. Does reading about it help? Does being aware of it make a difference? Or, are we simply becoming numb? The last days. Are these days really the last? I'm afraid. Very very afraid. This is probably nothing compared to what is to come. But really, how can it get much worse? I don't want to think about it.

Man convicted of killing Mormon wife, stepson over church
The Associated Press
Article Last Updated: 11/04/2008 03:32:49 PM MST

WOBURN, Mass. - A man was convicted of first-degree murder Tuesday for killing his wife and 11-year-old stepson out of anger over the time she spent with members of her church. The jury found Jeremias Bins guilty of two counts of first-degree murder for the 2006 slayings. Superior Court Judge John Lu sentenced Bins to two consecutive life terms in prison. Prosecutors said a bloodied Bins took a cab to the Framingham police station in May 2006, walked in and said he had just bludgeoned his wife and stepson with a hammer. He handed the couple's 5-month-old son, Phillipe, to officers and said, "I'm sorry."

Carla Souza, 37, and her elder son Caique (KYE'-ee-kay) had been found an hour earlier by police who responded to her 911 call. Souza was an active member of the Framingham ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. About two hours before the killings, Bins called ward members and told them he did not want "you missionaries" at his home any more.

Some church members told police they knew Bins did not support his wife's involvement but they were stunned by the killings. The couple had met through the church when Bins, a native of Brazil, started taking English classes there. Souza, also from Brazil, helped teach the classes. Bins occasionally attended church services with his wife but he did not become a member.


Heather A said...

Maybe this isn't the right way to approach it, but I don't really like to read the news, watch the news, or crime dramas on TV. It is just too depressing. As a result, I am probably a little out of touch, but at least I am happier usually. :) said...

How terrible!

Yes, it is strange what people are capable of doing. You have to be careful about who you get involved with and the situations you let yourself get into.

I think it's good to have an idea of what kinds of things go on, to hopefully avoid them. It is part of having wisdom. On the other hand, I don't expose myself to them enough to let them drag me down. I usually scan the news and don't dwell on the articles about murders and other mayhem. The media print those because they sell, not because they have much meaning for me as a reader. It is essentially gossip. And it can drag you down if you focus on it too much. By concentrating all of the most grisly events from all over the country into the news, you can be exposed to a skewed, darkened perception of life.

Dad said...

I think this murder should have prosecuted as a hate crime.

reabbotted said...

Ryan's right. Most news is worthless.