Tuesday, November 11, 2008

8 Things Tag


TV shows I watch
1.Old episodes of ER (I couldn't even tell you who the characters are on it now)
2. House
3. Without a Trace
4. Law and Order: SVU
5. Project Runway
6. Grey's Anatomy
7. Cake challenge (I'm not really sure what the actual name of that show is...)
8. Jon and Kate plus 8

Things that happened yesterday
1. Got Petra off to school
2. Finished a cross stitch alphabet that I've been putting into my design program
3. Went grocery shopping
4. Did the recycling
5. Got a free pizza for dinner
6. Had Family Home Evening
7. Bathed Tal
8. Worked on my Advent Calender that I'm making

8 Favorite Places to Eat
1. Olive Garden
2. Lazy D's (my friend's restaurant in Shelley)
3. Jack in the Box
4. TGI Fridays
5. Shari's
7. Home
8. Happy's Chinese Restaurant

8 Things I'm Looking Forward To
1. Moving!!!!!
2. Petra's surgery (in a sort of dreading it/looking forward to it being over kind of way)
3. Going to the temple to have our family sealed
4. Thanksgiving
5. Christmas
6. Decorating my new house
7. Dusty's next day off (I don't know when that might be, but I'm looking forward to it!)
8. Being in another play

8 Things on my Wish List
1. Decent pots and pans
2. Rock Band
3. A new house
4. A new kitchen for the new house
5. This to be Petra's last surgery and last time in casts
6. Talia to be magically potty trained without any work by me : ) (or accidents)
7. A new bed
8. PC Stitch Pro

1 comment:

Crista said...

That was interesting. I wonder if I could think of 8 things I did today, or 8 things I'm looking forward to?
8 Things I did today:
1. Did the crossword puzzle in the newspaper
2. Paid a medical bill
3. Entered expenses into MS Money to keep track of budgets
4. Played Mahjong on the computer
5. Helped Dave clean up apples and leaves in the yard
6. Went visiting teaching with Darla Howell
7. Finished getting manuals and documentation boxed up to send to Putnam Valley to finish out my work with them
8. Got Talia for the next few days while Petra is having foot surgery
9. Went to Johnny Carino's for dinner with Dave and Talia
Wow! I actually did 9 things today!

8 Things I'm looking forward to:
1. Going to New York City with Aunt Carol
2. Having Reed's and Leah's families over for Thanksgiving
3. Christmas with Rich's & Reed's families
4. The economy improving so we can afford to buy or build a house in Utah or Rexburg
5. Going on a mission to . . . ?
6. Finding out who the new Stake President is going to be
7. Getting paid by Putnam Valley so I can (maybe) buy a new violin
8. Seeing Petra healed up from her surgery and able to walk better