Wednesday, September 24, 2008

There and Back Again

Yesterday, Petra and Talia and I went down to Shriner's again for a cast change. I can't remember if I have written about this yet, so I guess I'll give a re-cap.
I was originally registered to go to school part-time this semester. All summer, I just had this thought in the back of my head that maybe I should drop out. It got stronger and stronger as the summer progressed, and finally in August I decided to make it a matter of prayer and fasting. That confirmed my feelings and I dropped out with absolutely no idea of why. A week later, we took Petra to Shriner's, and her surgeon decided to do a casting series and surgery in November. The series involves going down to SLC every other week to get new casts, which will gradually improve the position of her feet, making the surgery easier. A week after that, we decided to sell our house.
So, yesterday was the second cast change. Petra was so glad to get the first set off, she kept saying over and over again, "I'm just so glad to move my legs!!" It made it pretty tough to turn around and put another set on. Oh, well.
We drove home after we were done at the hospital, but we couldn't go straight home because our house was being shown for the first time. It was sort of a bad day for it, since I wasn't home to get everything sparkly clean, but I am so glad that someone finally looked at it! Instead of going home we went to Lazy D's which is a small restaurant in Shelley owned by a friend of mine from the theatre. We always have fun there because there are always theatre people hanging around to chat with. The food is also pretty good. Incidentally, Dusty has designed the web-site for the theatre, and it's pretty impressive. The URL is , if you are interested in checking it out.


Crista said...

What color casts did Petra get this time? Dusty, your web site is way cool!

aleahj said...

Purple with pink hearts