Wednesday, May 2, 2007

One Week till Opening Night

First of all, the play was pushed back a week because we were NOT ready. I'm really glad for the extra time, but at the same time, I'm FREAKING OUT!!!!! At the moment, I'm just really stressed. I am so tired all the time (aggravated by the drugs they gave me for nausea). They keep telling us we need to be louder, Louder, LOUDER!! I'm trying, I just don't feel like I can be any louder! But I can, I know I can. After watching another play in that theater, I totally understand why it's so important. I just feel like the co-director isn't all that encouraging to me... although, I don't think he should have to hold me by the hand and encourage me the whole way either. I just wish I felt like he felt like I was doing a good (okay!) job. I'm not looking for you guys to all burst out with comments about how great I am and that I will do a wonderful job. I'm just expressing my frustration with the situation.

On the flip side, the rehearsals are fun. I can laugh and joke with some of the cast members a bit, and it's nice to get out of the house (once I get there).

I need sleep.

1 comment:

Crista said...

I'm looking forward to our trip to Albuquerque, but I feel terrible leaving when you're so sick. I'm praying that the doctor will figure out what's wrong and be able to help you. I'm so sorry life is so hard for you right now. Hang in there; it's got to get better.