Saturday, May 26, 2007

What I've Been Up To

Petra's surgery went very well. She seems to be feeling great now, although the first few days were pretty rough. Today she did her legs in a little half split, which we have never seen her be able to do on the left side, so it totally seems to have helped! Here she is in her new swimsuit, although she can't get her cast wet, she just likes to be in her swimsuit. And here is a picture of the plate and screws that they took out of her leg, with a quarter for size comparison.
I just finished a new project. Dusty designed this one (he drew a picture), and then I went through and stitched it out of felt and added the embellishments. I have absolutely no idea how long I have been working on this, only that I almost threw it out at one point because I never felt like working on it, but then I looked at it and saw how cute it was and couldn't bear to get rid of it.

We got a new puppy!! His name is Copper, and to be honest, I wasn't all that excited about getting another dog, because I thought he'd be a pain, but so far, he's been wonderful. He is a purebred beagle, and he is a very calm, sedate dog (compared to Eppie). He loves to be pet, but he doesn't lick. He's actually not a puppy, he's three, but he's half the size of Eponine! Here's a picture of Copper with Kira and a picture of Eppie, who we've had for nearly four years, for those of you who don't know her.

I just finished a new book. It is called The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova. It was not at all what I expected it to be, but I enjoyed it very much. I thought that it was going to be an historical fiction, but it turns out that it is a Vampire novel. Don't get turned off when I say that. It's not very fantastical or out there. It's about this father and daughter who track Dracula through history. It is very much in the vein of Brahm Stoker's Dracula, which I have also read, and is also very good. (Sometime, Ryan is going to have to tell me how to past in a picture of the cover from, because I tried copying and pasting and it didn't work).

Oh, and here is the picture I promised from the play, which is going very well, but I think I'm about ready for it to be over (which it almost is, next Saturday is the last day).

Thursday, May 17, 2007

My Projects

I'm sure you all know that I always have about a dozen craft projects going at the same time. Recently, I found some new ones that I want to start, but I decided that I'd better finish off all of the ones that I am working on now first. It is a very slow process. I tend to get excited about something, get to work on it, get it about half finished, and then lose interest. Then it sits around for a while (sometimes years!) until I get interested in it again and finish it. Anyway, this morning, I finished a project. It is very satisfying. That's probably what I like most about doing my crafts--seeing the finished product and knowing that I did it.

I started this one when Petra had her first surgery, so August 2005. It only took me two years (the vast majority of which it was sitting on my project shelf completely ignored).

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

My Girls

I haven't posted a picture of the girls lately, so here's one. Talia is getting big so fast! (Petra, of course never grows any bigger, but her vocabulary is getting big so fast (but you can't show that in a picture!))

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Opening Weekend

My Play opened this weekend. It was so much fun! The first night (friday) didn't go that great, we made a few mistakes, but last night was awsome!! It went really really well. So far, not that many people are coming, maybe a couple of dozen every night, but we have faith that the crowds will grow. Anyway, sorry I don't have any pictures, I should later on.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Test Results

I got the results of my hidascan and it turns out that my gall bladder isn't working the way it should, and I need to get it out. So, mystery solved! I'm actually not nervous at all. It will be nice to get this taken care of. I know I'll hate it when I'm actually in pain, but the last few weeks have been very miserable. I just want it to be over.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

I, The Mother of the 20 Pound 13-Year-Old

I swear, Petra is actually 13 years old. She acts like a teenager. Tonight, she was walking around the living room saying, "I look ugly in this!" and "I look stupid in this!" We were appaled and asked her who told her that. "I did." She insists that no one else has ever said that to her. I don't know where she gets it!! If she doesn't get her way, she stomps around and says, "I don't care!!!" If she's like this at 3, how will she be when she really is 13?!?

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

One Week till Opening Night

First of all, the play was pushed back a week because we were NOT ready. I'm really glad for the extra time, but at the same time, I'm FREAKING OUT!!!!! At the moment, I'm just really stressed. I am so tired all the time (aggravated by the drugs they gave me for nausea). They keep telling us we need to be louder, Louder, LOUDER!! I'm trying, I just don't feel like I can be any louder! But I can, I know I can. After watching another play in that theater, I totally understand why it's so important. I just feel like the co-director isn't all that encouraging to me... although, I don't think he should have to hold me by the hand and encourage me the whole way either. I just wish I felt like he felt like I was doing a good (okay!) job. I'm not looking for you guys to all burst out with comments about how great I am and that I will do a wonderful job. I'm just expressing my frustration with the situation.

On the flip side, the rehearsals are fun. I can laugh and joke with some of the cast members a bit, and it's nice to get out of the house (once I get there).

I need sleep.

More Tests

I had a test yesterday and it came out negative for viral ulcers. I'm having something called a hydascan next week which I think is testing to determine gall bladder function. My doctor hasn't brought up allergies, but I'm sure that if this next test comes out normal, we'll look at that.