Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Talia's Burns

I just got my first look at Talia's burns since they bandaged her up in the emergency room yesterday. They actually look pretty good. She only has one big blister with pus coming out of it (interesting side note--probably not a good idea trying to spell the word pusy [as in, covered with pus] using an online search engine. Oh, and apparently it's not actually a word.) Other than a couple of other blisters that haven't popped yet, it's mostly just all red, like with a bad sunburn. Also, it looks like I'm only going to have to take her in twice more, rather than for a full week. Good news!


reabbotted said...

What, no pictures? Sorry Talia. Burns are no fun.

aleahj said...

Pictures of what? Imagine what the doctors would say, "No, wait, don't put that dressing on, I just want to get a quick picture!"

Heather A said...

Hope the burns heal quickly. Hope Talia feels better soon! said...

"pus coming out" = purulent

Sorry to hear about her burns!

aleahj said...

Yeah, I actually found that out in my search, but I kind of thought it might sound a little pretentious. Reed tends to make fun of me for stuff like that.