Saturday, December 20, 2008


Yesterday when I went to pick Petra up from school, I got her into the car, and started to pull out of the school parking lot. I didn't make it. They had plowed the road right into the entrance to the parking lot. We were stuck there for 20 minutes! Finally, some passing strangers and a lady from down the street with a snow shovel got us out, but not before I'd ruined my favorite leather gloves trying to dig out the wheels. 

I love the Holiday Season. 

4 comments: said...

Wisdom from a recently departed apostle

Crista said...

That happened to me over at Eagle Rock once. I got stuck in the parking lot. Some kids came out in freezing cold weather with short sleeves and no coats and pushed me out. I never pass that spot all these years later without thinking about that. When I see those places in the summer where I've had a winter mishap I always marvel that that normal-looking spot could ever cause so much trouble!

Dad said...

Snow tires anyone? said...

A shovel comes in awfully handy too.