Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Where Did She Get That?

Petra did the funniest thing yesterday. I was sitting at the computer doing some schoolwork and she came into my room.
"Mom, can I watch TV?"
I went back to my school work, and she went over to my dresser and started messing around, but I wasn't paying very much attention.
"Mom, repeat what I say."
The only way to keep her reasonably entertained so that I can accomplish anything is to play along.
She said, "Mmmm mmmm"
I said, "Mmmm mmmm."

She said, "Mmmm Ahmmm."
I said, "Mmmm Ahmmm."

She said, "Yes!"
I said, "yes."

She said, "No!"
I said, "no."

She said, "I can watch TV!"
I said, "No you caaaan't!"

Lol. As we say about her almost every day, "Where did she get THAT?"

Friday, December 7, 2007

Christmas Tree Fun

Last night we decorated our Christmas Tree. We bought it on Monday, but last night was the first chance we had to decorate it. It was pretty fun.

Around 1:30, we heard a sound like a note on a low note on a harp. Dusty went to see what it was, and the tree had fallen onto the piano! The 8 cups of water in the stand spilled all over the carpet. Dusty and I tried to stand the tree back up, but every time he tried to fix it, it just fell back over again! So, we took a string and tied the tree to a hook in our ceiling left over from one of those 70's lamps that hangs on a chain. It's a temporary fix, but we just could not figure out why the stupid thing wouldn't stand up!!