Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Guess What I'm NOT Doing Right Now?

That's right, studying. Which means, I am back in school. Yea. Two days down, 16 weeks (less two days) to go. So far, it's going alright. I have had one class of each of my classes except for Anatomy and Physiology lab, which apparently got new corpses! Woo-Hoo! Except that the dental hygiene students got to use them first, the stinkers (the hygiene students or the corpses? Good question.) I started reading my Statistics textbook today and it is shockingly funny.

"Chapter 1 Stats Starts Here1

1 This chapter might have been called "Introduction," but nobody reads the introduction, and we wanted you to read this. We feel safe admitting this here, in the footnote, because nobody reads footnotes either."

Maybe this class will not be so bad? This is one that I was really dreading.

Ah, well. Off to work!

3 comments: said...

Believe it or not, I always liked statistics. Also accounting. They both unfolded a lot of understanding about aspects of daily life most people don't see very clearly.

Don't use latex gloves with the cadavers. The preservatives permeate natural compounds like latex (and your skin). Go for nitrile ;D

Good luck in school!

Crista said...

I remember in one of my first classes of statistics, I couldn't wait to get back to find out the answer to the question the teacher had posed right before a 10-minute break. I too was really surprised how interesting it was.

Heather A said...

Good luck with everything. Good for you for going back to school.