Monday, October 20, 2008

Tagged by Heather

Sure, why not?
What was I doing 5 years ago:
1. Pregnant with Petra
2. Getting married (5 years ago Thursday!)
3. In college
4. Moving from IF to Firth
5. Getting a puppy (Eppie, still have her)

What are 5 things on my To-Do List today:
1. Clean house for showing
2. Surprise Dusty at work with lunch
3. Get last couple of items for girls' Halloween costumes
4. Go grocery shopping
5. Pay bills

What are my 5 favorite snacks:
I generally try to avoid snacking but...
1. mini rice cakes
2. soda
3. crackers
4. pretzels
5. whatever's handy

What are 5 things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. Buy a house
2. Buy a van large enough for my whole family
3. Buy a Smartcar for Dusty
4. Travel
5. Deposit it and live off of the interest

Five places I've lived:
1. Idaho Falls, ID
2. Firth, ID
3. That's it.
4. Really, there aren't any more
5. No, Seriously. Pathetic, I know.

Five jobs I've had:
1. Assistant Fencing Coach
2. Substitute teacher
3. Plasma donor
4. Full-time mother
5. Sanitarium warden :)

I tag...
No one reads this except for Heather, and she tagged me!


Heather A said...

Sure you lived in one more place. Pocatello, right? ISU? Maybe I'm wrong. Ryan reads your blog too, but maybe it's too much of a girly thing. Thanks for playing along. Miss you guys

Crista said...

NO ONE READS THIS EXCEPT HEATHER? What am I, chopped liver?

aleahj said...

Ah, but you don't have a blog to respond onto. I lived in Pocatello for about a month, maybe less. I don't think that really counts.